
5 easy ways to resell to your existing customers

So you’re working hard on your business and trying to bring in new customers every day!

But do you know who the easiest crowd is to sell to? Your existing customers!!

They already know, like and trust you. They already think you have a great product or service. And if you do your job right then they will want to buy from you again!

Here’s 5 ways you can help make that happen whatever type of business you have.

1// Recurring membership

Do you have something that you sell that you could offer access to at a monthly price?

This could be a training course, a support community, or for product based businesses the chance to buy from you automatically each month (ie: earring of the month club).

This encourages repeat buying, as it can break things down into a more do-able cost; it is available over time, not just for a limited time; and you know that you have some regular income coming in each month.

(This teamed up with the next option is gold.)

2// Make gift giving easy

If you sell physical products this is an awesome way for you to upsell your clients. Give them the opportunity to gift your products to someone they love. (After all don’t we often spend more on others for special events than we would for ourselves?)

They get in the good books for remembering someone they love, and you get in the good books for helping them.

Going a step further, as a consumer, something I’m loving right now are gift subscriptions.  So, I make a one-off payment to have something sent to my loved one every month for say 3 months!

For the recipient: It’s awesome for months after an event to still be receiving something for your birthday or other special occasion. For you the seller: it’s an easy recurring revenue you get for the next 3 months, at least. And for the buyer: it makes them look good to their loved one, as well as being super-convenient, cause all they have to do it make one initial payment for the extra value.

3// Complementary service

Did they already buy X from you? Well, could Y help them take X to the next level? Or would X go really well with Z? Well, tell them about it!

It may come as a surprise to you, but just because someone bought from you previously it doesn’t mean that they saw all you had to offer! People often come to us for one thing, the one item that they’ve seen of ours that they can use.

So, don’t miss any opportunity to let them know you’re more than just your one thing. This could be doing things like:

  • Displaying recommended products on your product pages, and putting some thought into showing the ones that actually are most relevant/useful.
  • Adding an upsell during your checkout process – “Before you click buy, you might be interested in xyz. You can get this at a special price of $17.95 when you buy today.”
  • Setting up an automated series of emails to go out to people who buy certain products from you, telling them about what else you can offer that would go well with their original purchase.

4// New products or services

Also, don’t be afraid to let them know when you add new services or products to your offerings or store.

Again, if they’ve already bought from you chances are high that they’ll be into anything new you’re offering. And as they progress in their life and/or business it stands to reason that they’ll need more of what you have to offer.

So keep thinking about their next step, their next desire, their next blocker. And then come up with ways you can help them with those. And then tell them about it!

5// Premium Services

Often people want more from you than you’re offering generally.  This may be shortcuts to help them get to where they want to get faster; it could be more hand-holding to help them keep on the right track; or it could be your products made out of higher quality, higher expensive materials.

Consider your products and services, and think about how you could offer premium versions of these.  For example, this could look like:

  • Offering one-on-one coaching, regular consultations, or other forms of greater access to you.
  • Giving them access to a community where they can learn from or interact with other people who are also doing your course.
  • Bonus videos and trainings, such as more in-depth teaching on your topic, interviews with experts in your field, or done for them templates and tools.
  • Offering “I’ll Do It For You” options.
  • Or simply offering limited edition, special versions of your current products.

So, that’s 5 ways! You’ve probably thought of more as we’ve gone along. Or maybe you have another great option you’re already using? I’d love to hear it.  Let me know in the comments below.

And whatever you do, don’t miss out on the untapped potential of your current customers!

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