
What Should I Post on Facebook for My Business?

So, you know you need to increase your activity on Facebook, but you’re coming up dry when you try to think of things that your customers would be interested in.

You’re not the only ones!  This is a major task for any business.  So we thought we’d put together a few things to help you kick-start your thinking when you’re planning your Facebook content strategy.

These are centred around 4 key things you will want to do with your Facebook page: inspire, help, interact and sell.


What is the purpose of your business?  Chances are, after the “make money” point, you want to help people.  Help them: learn things, change bad habits, take charge of their future, beautify their life, and so on.

Take a moment to think about the kind of feelings, actions or changes you want to inspire in your customers?  Get back to the core WHY behind your business.

Kind of things to share:

  • Inspiring quotes.  Photos or colored backgrounds with the quote over the top of them work really well for this.  You can easily make your own using a program like Canva, or share ones that others have posted.
  • Links to inspiring articles or blog posts.


Do you share things on your blog that would help your customers with their unique problems?  It’s highly likely that they are not going to your blog every day to bask in your wisdom.  But chances are higher that they are one of the 829 million users going to Facebook daily.

Do you create quick tips, tutorials, or DIYs that your customers would really benefit from or enjoy?

Do you frequently come across information on other people’s sites that your customers could use?

Don’t keep this stuff to yourself.  Share it with your customers.  Let them see you as the go-to person who helps them solve their problems.  Even if they don’t pay for all the help (see the Sell point for more on this).

Kind of things to share:

  • DIY tutorials.
  • A simple image or quick YouTube video showing how to do something.
  • Your valuable blog posts.
  • Quick Tips.  Again, photos or colored backgrounds with the tip over the top of them work really well for this.  And these are easy to create yourself using a free tool like Canva, or share ones that others have posted.
SEE ALSO:  Making your business purpose clear


Facebook is a social tool after all.  So be a social butterfly.  Share what other people are posting. Answer questions.  Like things.  (All the things you wish people would do with your Page.)

Interact with people in a natural, non-pushy way.  With your customers, with other complementary businesses, with other Pages you enjoy following yourself, etc.

Do not try to push your products or services on people when you’re doing this. That’s not the point.  You’re just getting to know people. Build relationships with people before they need your products and services, then when (and if) they need you, you’ll be the natural place for them to come.

(And this can go both ways as well.  Who knows how a new relationship might just end up benefiting you and your business someday!)


At the end of the day this is a BUSINESS page we’re talking about, so of course part of what you want to do here is let people know about the great stuff you have to offer, and how they can get their hands on it!

Just do this in a smart, elegant way.  And don’t let your sales pitch be the only thing people see of you in their Newsfeed, or if they happen to visit your Page.

Kind of things to share:

  • Behind the scenes look at new products you’re working on or about to launch.
  • Ask questions about products or services you’re planning (ie: “We’re just about to order a new box of widgets.  Would your prefer red or blue?”).
  • Photos of customers using your products.
  • Photos of you interacting with customers at markets or fairs.

Hope that’s got some creativity flowing?  If you need help wrangling those ideas into a plan don’t forget to sign-up for our newsletter (BELOW).  You’ll receive our Social Media Planning template, for free, as well as regular tips and advice.  So what’s stopping you!

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